Meet Jane Shelton, Content Writer & Editor

This week’s team member is Jane Shelton – Witmer Group’s Content Writer & Editor. Take a few minutes and enjoy what Jane has to say about her time at Witmer Group.
Q: What drew you to Witmer Group initially?
A: Kristina Witmer and I worked together for several years at an agency and when she started her own company, she asked me to come on board as a writer/editor. Because I enjoyed working with her previously, it was an easy decision. I’ve worked with Witmer Group since its inception in 2010.
Q: What jobs do you perform for Witmer Group?
A: I research and write web content, blogs, social posts, press releases, emails, bios, and whatever is needed. I also serve as the WG editor to ensure responsible content. I also create concepts when an imaginative direction is needed.
Q: What do your day-to-day operations look like?
A: Stay on deadline with all content, working ahead of schedule to ensure other team members have time to add graphics and post to various sites. Also, making time for unexpected requests that may arise.
Q: What is your role in Witmer Group?
A: My role as Content Writer/Editor is to ensure that WG communications stay on a consistent and informative level, maintaining an authoritative, respected position within the marketing community while meeting our clients’ demands and needs.
Q: What does your life look like outside of Witmer Group?
A: My husband, Richard, and I enjoy our six feline pets and enjoy traveling to NYC to visit our son and daughter-in-law. I am an avid NYTimes Spelling Bee and Crosswords gamer and enjoy excellence in storytelling, both read and viewed. I’m always on the lookout for new vegetarian dishes, too.
Q: Tell us about you individually. What are some of your interests and hobbies?
A: I have several children’s book ideas, some of which are somewhat fleshed out. I enjoy coming back to them after a while to see if I still think they have merit. Our home is a virtual ‘wildlife reserve’ as we feed birds, squirrels, possums, and several neighborhood cats, who know where to come for a free meal (daily). My husband and I share an interest in growing things: flowers, plants, and trees.
Q: Where are you located now?
A: Richard and I live in Plano, Texas, and have been in our current home since 2002. I would love to live in Scotland, but doubt if I could uproot my hubby (a native Texan). Besides, who would take care of all the neighborhood critters?