Witmer Group Marketing Blog

MySpace or My Space

Written by WG Team | Nov 2, 2017 6:52:58 PM

If I had my way, I probably would still be on MySpace, checking in 2x a day to take my cookies out of the oven, and redecorating my awesome house. But times change. My kids grew up – and as that happened I needed to venture out of my comfort zone so I could “follow” them and be part of their world. My first tweet to my son was “Where did you put the remote?”  Yes, I was one of those moms.

And then, wow. Now I have a Google+ page, I’m on LinkedIn, Facebook, Twitter, About.Me, Instagram, Pinterest and something else I can’t remember right now.

At first, it was pretty overwhelming. Who can possibly monitor all those social sites and still maintain any life at all? Soon though, it started sorting itself out. Facebook is just hanging out with friends, so I check it once or twice a day, while for me Twitter is a bit more professional, sharing SEO and Raw Food stuff, so I usually only check it once or twice a week.

Google+ is for work. Good info to help keep me up to speed on the ever-changing field I have chosen for this time of my life. So usually 2 evenings I will peruse and see what is interesting. I use Pinterest to get some good ideas and keep them all in one spot (like clipping all those magazine articles and recipes, only way better!). I have had to designate Saturday mornings ONLY for Pinterest, as I can get lost in there for hours!

The others? I have chosen not to spend much time at all there. Maybe every one to three months I’ll check and see what’s new. I still keep my ears open for new things coming along, and in my work I have to be knowledgeable, after all, Witmer Group IS a social media marketing company! But I’ve given myself permission not to need to be caught up in every social media trend that comes along. I don’t have to belong to every party in town. I can just choose the ones that I like, and if I never see your Instagram pics, well, maybe I should just pick up the phone and give you a call.