Witmer Group Marketing Blog

Networking Breakfast - LinkedIn for Business

Written by Kristina Witmer | Nov 2, 2017 6:52:55 PM

Kristina Witmer, Managing Director of Witmer Group and Emily Mantooth, Account Manager at Witmer Group had a wonderful time presenting LinkedIn for Business Marketing techniques at this mornings The Platinum Circle breakfast event.

A few highlights from the presentation (or click below to view the entire presentation):

  • It’s no longer about followers and fans – it’s about conversion and your goals
  • Mobile is affecting everything – especially your web expectations and social use
  • Audience identification is still a much needed component (and often overlooked) of the process
  • After strategy start with content

Much thanks to our host Brad Wohlander, CEO at Sentry Network Services.

Click below to view/download the entire presentation on LinkedIn for Businesses.

Social Media LinkedIn Pres June 2014 For Blog