Witmer Group Marketing Blog

Unite Sales and Marketing with a Drip of TLC

Written by Kristina Witmer | Nov 2, 2017 6:53:02 PM

Although the concept of drip marketing is commonly known among most marketers, it is often underutilized and a missed opportunity considering it is a powerful, proven way to unite sales and marketing. Here are a few of the ways you can implement this concept in new, creative ways that will generate momentum for your business.

While you may not be able to personally hand-hold each of your leads, you can still reach out to make them feel valued.  Lead Nurturing can include educating users on your service, helping them use certain features, or offering them free trials. Depending on the nature of your business you can use things like Welcoming onboarding,

“We’re happy to meet you!  Thanks for your interest in our services…”

This kicks off a warm relationship with your lead and lets them know you value them and their interest in your products or services. Subsequent emails can take a deeper dive into other services, share case studies and more.

Engagement or re-engagement,

“You’ll discover some surprising ways to boost your ROI and with little effort…”

“We missed you at the recent webinar, but there’s another one in two weeks…”

Once you have engaged your prospective lead you have the opportunity to tout your wares, pointing out the prime benefits of what you can do for them.

And for those who have been among the missing, re-engagement is a way to recapture their interest, perhaps with a new tool, service or product feature.

Abandoned shopping carts,

“Are you still interested in the items in your shopping cart? Take a look before they expire…”

If potential leads or customers are wavering about committing to a purchase, you can often make a save of the transaction with this type of drip email. You might be surprised how often people abandon completely full carts.

This also provides an opportunity to push out messages to encourage other similar purchases. The classic, ‘you looked at this item, but you might be also interested in this one’ approach.

We’ve talked a bit about just a few of the uses of drip marketing. Next we will discuss Renewals and Unsubscribes.