2018 Marketing Trends to Keep an Eye On

We’ve been following the various trends published and projected for 2018 and we think there are two stand outs to take decisive action on.

Are You Mobile-Ready?

People and companies are still catching up, although it is a bit hard to believe. Everywhere you look, people are doing the same thing en masse – staring at their mobile devices. Mobile is here to stay, and smart marketers know that it should be high on the priority list from now on. Some of our clients are still primarily looking at their website while at work on a desktop. This needs to change. View your world through the mobile lens for better perspective!

Creating a mobile strategy for your business that will captivate your prospects and customers is the best first step. Next, you’ll need a mobile website with various mobile elements depending on the kind of business you have. These might include things like being able to send text messages to your customers. Again, it depends on the type of business you have, but if you do it, start with a couple of messages each month. Make one text fun and the other more promotional. Soon enough you’ll be able to determine what your audience is responding to and what they’re not. From there you can focus your efforts on building a relationship with your audience. 

Reviews are In. Is Your Business?

Online directories are fast becoming a cornerstone of marketing plans. The number of reviews you have is a prime factor in how you’re ranked, and SEO continues to drive organic traffic. Current research shows that half of the people under the age of 50 check online reviews on a regular basis prior to making a purchase. Hopefully, what they will find is a significant number of positive reviews that make buying decisions stress-free.

A finely-tuned review plan is essential for getting reviews for your business. You might be surprised at how willing people are to write a review if they are simply asked. Make it clear and easy for them to have a say.

Focusing on these two factors early on will better position your business for the rewards of growth via website traffic and enthusiastic, new customers, writing glowing reviews about why they love your company.