Witmer Group Marketing Blog

What Exactly Is Google Hummingbird?

Like many in SEO and content marketing, I have been reading a lot of articles on Google’s Hummingbird update. A Witmer Group team member forwarded an article to me that we think is the best we’ve read, Gianluca Fiorelli’s “Hummingbird Unleashed.” His article covers what the Google update is and isn’t in fantastic detail.

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The Good, the Bad and the Need-to-Know of Social Media

It’s true that social media has revolutionized marketing. And, it’s also true that social media makes it easier to reach a much larger audience more quickly and at a measurably lower cost. However, companies and businesses need to be aware of the risks and potential liability tied to advertising and marketing in social media.

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Choosing business vendors, google ranking and getting more customers

I often see companies get bogged down by activities that are unrelated to their core business (selection of tech vendors, choosing platforms, etc). It’s such a universal situation that I think it warrants a little space on the Witmer blog. And, it actually got me thinking about Google+ – which everything seems to lead back to nowadays anyway.

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5 Ways To Turn Negative Reviews Into Positive SEO Content!

Don’t let negative reviews destroy your online business reputation!  Everyone has heard the phrase, “any press is good press”. Vanna White has been credited with this statement. But, does this sentiment still hold true? Nowadays the inclination seems to be along the lines of, “bad news travels fast”. People now have an easily accessible venue to read and write reviews about you and your business. Unlike yester year, when the press was limited in range and the reach of your bad press was easily managed, anyone and everyone have courtside seats to your businesses lowest moments.

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Creating Positive SEO Link Building on Your Website

There are several link building practices that are available to increase your online marketing presence. The trick is finding the right kind of tactic for your business. It’s important you know what positive v. negative link building services are. Smart online marketing strategists must evolve as new standards that search engines, like Google, have continued to implement (such as Penguin). Smart businesses are following in kind.

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Content Marketing Strategy – Stand Apart From Your Competition

Blogs, newsletters, e-letters and website content are all intricate parts of a successful marketing campaign. The obvious goal is continued customer engagement while maintaining relationships.  With everyone climbing aboard the “content train” how can you ensure your organization will stand out from the crowd?

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Google Authorship, Author Rank, and Content Marketing

Google Authorship and author rank.  Heard of these concepts?  Maybe you have if you follow Google’s algorithm updates as we do in content marketing, but there is a good chance you haven’t.  Google Authorship has been brewing on a low simmer and has just recently begun to capture the attention of content creators and SEO experts.  It is no secret that Google has been working on a way to link good content with authors, or as they say ‘agents’, for some time.  Google+ is the cornerstone of this effort.

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Achieve Successful Email Distribution For Your Business

It’s no secret that the easiest way to keep in touch with consumers is through email. Email distribution continues to lead consumer purchases more than any other marketing resource. A recent study by ExactTarget states that 66% of survey respondents indicated that they had made purchases based on a promotional email.

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Knowing When to Invest in a Marketing Consultant

Formulating a successful marketing campaign can create an overwhelming sense of anxiety amongst busy business owners. When is the right time to engage a campaign? How do you know what questions to ask when getting your marketing campaign started in the right direction? The drive to promote your business can be undercut by the shear magnitude of consulting options available. The time comes when every savvy business owner realizes it’s time to bring in an expert – they need a marketing consultant.

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Online Video Marketing – Getting Content from Unlikely Places

We are always trying to encourage our clients to stay on top of their SEO efforts. Whether it be from blogging or through updated website content, everyone knows that content rules the realm. A fresh and content-rich website is your best chance of being recognized with Google’s ever-changing optimization algorithms. You can read all over the Internet to discover what you have to do to create the perfect, most visible website. The debate is on and there seem to be only a few things all the experts agree on – Content must be fresh and relevant.

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