Witmer Group Marketing Blog

How Nimble is Your Email Marketing Strategy?

Email communication is an integral and often successful component of a marketing campaign. For many years, it was a sure fire way to stay engaged with current and potential customers.  Increasingly sensitive email engagement filters are now changing this dynamic. The email communication you just sent may or may not find its way to the top of the targeted inbox.

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5 Reasons Your Small Business Should Run a Press Release

How do you know it’s time to create your press release? Just because your business is small does not mean your company is not worthy of, or that it cannot reap the benefits of, a Press Release.  After consulting with several small business owners, I noticed a theme. They are all reluctant to pay the price to promote what they deem to be insignificant changes in their company.  Understandably, a small business does not often have the manpower to effectively do website management and public relations. Today’s small business owner has a virtual smorgasbord of social media marketing options to keep up with.  How does one guy do it all?  Most importantly, how does he know when he needs a Press Release?

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5 Ways To Keep The Humanity In Your Branding Strategy

With the recent tragedy on the East Coast leaving people without basic comforts and the loss of life it is important to remember that in branding strategy, the needs and moods of your consumers change.  Whether you are providing a tangible product or a service it is imperative to stay on top of current events in your target communities. You don’t want present an unconcerned or insensitive message to your audience.

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How Do I Start A Blog For My Business?

Blogging has rocketed into a consistent online presence within just a short amount of time. With blogs being the way that many businesses communicate with their customers I hear the same concerns and questions from business owners:

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Dallas Marketing is Local Marketing and Why it Matters More than Ever

The Dallas economy is blooming with no slow down in sight.  According to Forbes.com Dallas-Fort Worth has a projected economic growth rate of 4.9% through 2016. Texas added more jobs in 2012 than all other 49 states combined. New industry is drawn to the Dallas-Fort Worth for very simple reasons: taxes are low, its location in the central U.S. eases logistics, access to an educated work force, and real estate is inexpensive.  These factors draw companies from all other parts of the country and they are all landing in our back yards.

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Change in Marketing Goals, What are you really afraid of?

If you knew me a year ago you probably heard me talk about impermanence at least once. It was my own buzz word of 2012. Certainly not a new idea, but for me it really hit home to think of the highs and lows of life and work to be ever changing. Nothing is guaranteed and all states (high and low) are things to be reflected upon and not so quickly judged as ‘good’ or ‘bad’.

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How to Optimize Social Media to Benefit Your Small Business

In the modern world, when you begin a small business, it’s not as simple as taking out an advertisement in the newspaper or putting a “now open for business,” sign on your door – it is important to alert the social media world. Sometimes, it can be daunting to think about what that entails. There are new forms of social media being developed on a daily basis, but for now, there are certain sites that are a necessity and how you use those sites can greatly benefit your company.

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SEO Marketing New Year’s Resolutions

It is that time of year when you need to review your website and SEO marketing strategy; then start looking ahead to what you may need to keep the same or do differently in 2013. Search engine optimization and SEO marketing have changed over the past year, Google continues to make updates to its search algorithm and content is evolving. Websites that are actively managed will continue to perform well and stay ahead of the pack.

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Local SEO Marketing Strategy Tricks that are Easy to Overlook

You are probably already focusing on your local SEO marketing strategy and activities like never before. The benefits of local search marketing are well-known; whether you are looking to take on established national and international names on your doorstep or build up a loyal customer base so you can grow organically and become a big name yourself, local SEO is a powerful tool to implement.

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Building An Effective Online Presence For Your Business

As an online marketing and lead generation agency for small to mid sized businesses, we often consult and educate our clients about the importance of actively managing online information about their company and brand. Many of our clients know this, but may be lacking specific know-how or man-power.

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