Write What You Know Applies to SEO

When wide-eyed twenty-somethings declare, “I wanna be a writer!” they are often given the advice to “Write what you know, kid.”  And, while the reasons for this may be obvious to a seasoned marketer, there are some other reasons businesses can use this same advice to their advantage over the long term.

Constantly generating new content is a great way to keep your company name out in the wide world of social marketing.  However, coming up with new and interesting things to say on a regular basis can be challenging – especially when you have lots of other more immediate needs crashing your in-box.  But, writing what you know should be far easier: minimal research, lots of real world examples, confidence in your points, and all without hours of legwork.  Keep in mind, just because it is last week’s news to you, there is a novice out there looking into whatever you’re an expert in.

Basically, good information never goes out of style.  And, more good information will give you credibility in the here and now. It is the consistency in the flow of information, as well as the library of it that gives credibility to your brand and will pay dividends long into the future. Tons of articles that are unearthed during a search can be months, even a year old, but they still come out near the top.

Starting a company blog today (if you haven’t already) and posting to it regularly will give you a leg up on competition in more ways than one.  You’ll pop up as an expert in more and more places, and your new content will move up in the SEO ranks because of the other legitimate activity your past writing has generated.  Also, if potential customers find you through a new entry, it looks great to have lots of other information in your blog demonstrating breadth of your offerings and skills.

Of course it is great to write about exciting new product offerings, amazing employee achievements and company awards.  But, if there’s nothing new on those fronts, then just write what you know.  Here are some other topic suggestions that might help fill that blog in the weeks where new material runs thin:

  1. Observations about changes in your industry
  2. Top 5 reasons someone new might need your product/service
  3. Best customer service experience
  4. An unusual way you’ve seen a customer use your product
  5. A moment from the company’s history that defines what it is today
  6. A favorite response to a product or service

Of course, any of these can be made topical by tying them to current events: ie: “Why we LOVE our customers” for a Valentine’s week entry.  The point is to get that content out there on a regular basis without making tons of more work for yourself. And, writing what you know is a great place to start.