Witmer Group Marketing Blog

2016 Focus

I subscribe to Chris Brogan’s emails and I’m almost always entertained with something that challenges the way I think and act. Something that pushes me to pause the daily grind and allow glimpses of the bigger picture to come into focus. For that, I am very appreciative!

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Does Getting Socially Verified Build Brand Growth?

According to trending thoughts on the subject, getting verified on sites like Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, etc. is a giant step in the direction of company brand growth. But, is that elusive little blue check mark really worth the effort? A lot of people seem to think so.

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​8 Social Media Rules for Maintaining a Digital Relationship with Consumers

As a member of Generation Y, society & businesses assume that I’m on my phone constantly and am a social media guru. This stereotype couldn’t be further from the truth. I have never had the latest SmartPhone or iPhone, didn’t know what Facebook actually was until I went to college, and more recently; I’m still a little foggy about Instagram & Snapchat. However, I don’t think I’m alone. Whether it’s a big corporation that’s been around for a long time, or a small business that doesn’t have the resources to hire a social media person, social media is still a mysterious beast to conquer. And even though it hasn’t been around long, it is an evolving phenomenon that can be overwhelming and confusing.
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Knowing Your Company, Audience & Social Media

There are an infinite number of social media platforms, with Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn alternating the top 3 spots. And while there are many social venues, you need to know who is using what. If you’re a company that has a mostly older fan-base, Instagram or Snapchat might not be the best way to reach them.

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How Marketing Automation Can Help You Succeed

Whether you are a small business owner with simple website demands or a large business marketing strategist that must manage sales teams or channel support programs, campaign tracking using marketing automation is an imperative aspect to the success of your website.

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