Witmer Group Marketing Blog

Why is SEO So Powerful?

SEO is many things and a powerful way to make a measurable difference in your online marketing efforts. Let’s take a quick look at the value of optimizing for search engines and why you need it in your marketing and communication.

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Experiential Marketing Builds B2B Brand Equity

What are the distinctive personality and emotional benefits of your brand that are important to your customers? This customer-centric brand positioning is your compass for guiding all of your marketing initiatives – especially experiential marketing or simply, the way you interact with your customers. When you communicate emotions like brand trust, comfort and credibility, you’re making your customers’ experiences more meaningful, memorable and certainly worthy to share with others.

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When Bad Employees Start to Ruin Your Brand.

I recently encountered a situation where my main account rep was delivering below average performance – I’d say he was ‘phoning it in’ for sure. It was subtle at first and gradually increased to the point where I was starting to expect less and less of this vendor. My expectations were rock bottom and I was in a prime mode to be swept away by another vendor.

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LinkedIn hits 300 Million – Are You In?

LinkedIn just announced that it has 300 Million members. As a small or medium sized business owner, are you taking advantage of that? Granted, it is unlikely that all 300 MILLION of those people are looking for what you are selling, but probably a lot more of them are – or know someone who is – than you can reach any other way.

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Size DOES Matter: Your Handy Social Media Image-Size Guide

You’ve designed a killer logo. You’ve shelled out for just the right head shot. And, now you’re ready to put yourself and your company out there. The good news is you care about your image. The bad news: every social media platform has a different set of requirements. So, if you don’t want a pixelized logo or a stretched out jaw line, you need to make sure your images are cropped to the right size.

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What Spring Breakers can teach us about Social Media Marketing

Ahhhh Spring Break. That time of year when families flood attractions large and small, and when college co-eds wreak havoc on the nation’s beaches. As I get ready for a Spring Break adventure of my own, I started to think about if there were any lessons in this annual American ritual that might be useful for those of us who spend our days in front of a screen trying to promote social media marketing ideas through blogs and tweets.

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Your Site is so Pretty, it’s a Shame it Doesn’t Work.

One thing is for sure, it’s pretty easy to get a slick looking website nowadays. Responsive templates are everywhere – making the desktop, mobile, tablet experience fairly seamless. Depth, slick icons, social integration – it’s ALL there and oh so pretty to the eye.

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